VI Міжнародна конференція з питань охорони психічного здоров’я “Психічне здоров’я: глобальні виклики XXI століття” (у двох частинах: квітень 15-16; жовтень 06 2022)

1. Міжнародна конференція “Постковідний світ: виклики та можливості” — квітень 15-16 2022

2. Національний Захід до Всесвітнього Дня Психічного Здоров’я — жовтень 06 2022

ПУБЛІКАЦІЇ (мова — англійська)

  • ITALY Academic Journal “Mental Health: Global Challenges” , NLM ID: 101762518; DOAJI, Publons, Crossref, ERIHPlus, BASE, … Fields covered: Health, Medicine, Social Science, Psychology, Education, Economic, Law, Inter- and Multi-disciplinary studies
  • POLAND Academic Journal PUBMED/MEDLINE, SCOPUS only selected paper may be published (if meeting quality criteria and fitting the journal scope)
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The V International Conference “Mental Health: global challenges of XXI century” (October 21-23 2021, Italy, Sicily) is organized in hybrid format (online-virtual and offline) to ensure a long-term and sustained effect in promotion of Mental Health globally.


  • to provide a platform for the networking of (non)-academic MHC researchers, practitioners and policy-makers
  • to promote high quality research on Mental Health
  • to wide social-awareness raising campaign in the field of Mental Health


  • Strengthening a dialogue between science, society and the state: the V MHGC Conference was hosted by Municipality of Racalmuto (Italy), the venue of the Conference – Museum “Fondazione Leonardo Sciascia”, the technical-organizational support of the MHGC Conference was provided by Public Provincial Health Agency (ASP Agrigento), the special App for simultaneous translation was produced by University of Venice…

  • Dissemination and Research:

  • Awareness-rising Activities: National Events on World Mental Health Day in Ukraine (05.10-07.10 2020)

Looking forward to see and you within our wide academic and professional community

Let’s be mentally healthy

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